Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Vacation for whom?

You know you're in trouble when you know you're going to need a vacation from your vacation even before your vacation begins. Frankly, I'm kidding myself and everyone around me when I use the word "vacation" in connection with this weekend. What M and I had once, briefly, fleetingly envisioned as a weekend away alone.. has turned (in terms of planning and coordination) into the Yalta Summit of weekend trips. (I can remember exactly where we were when we fantasized about getting away alone. In the car. Date night. On the way to the movies, most likely. But given that I haven't peed alone in 8 years, a few nights away was really too much to ask.)

So, we're all flying out of Seattle. "Dropping off" the boys in Denver with the in-laws and taking the two girls to Boston for a wedding weekend... and picking them up on the way home. I'm sure it will all be loads of fun, but right now I'm packing.. for two destinations... and feeling like it might have been easier just to all go together, even if it does mean sharing a bed with several small beings. (Consequently, the big winners in all of this are the boys who get a weekend with grandparents and zero parental supervision.)

So, here I am... contemplating the vacation I'm going to need next week to recover from this one. I'm not trying to be whiny. I've done all sorts of travel with the kids. But traveling anywhere (even the supermarket) with an 18 month old requires more patience that I was born with, and I still can't get that fantasy of several restful child-free nights out of my mind. Luckily, spring in Seattle is complete crap, and the thought of 70 degree weather is more than appealing. M reminds me that I always get cold travel feet on the night before a trip, and this is just that. I'm sure of it. Right?

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